First Visit: 6-8 weeks
- Wellness exam
- 1st Distemper/Parvo vaccine
- Fecal test and/or Dewormer
- Start flea and heartworm prevention
- Return in 3 weeks for next vaccines
Second Visit: 9-11 weeks
- 2nd Distemper/Parvo vaccine
- Intra-trac 3 (bordetella) vaccine
- Fecal test and/or Dewormer
- Return in 3 weeks for next vaccines
Third Visit: 12-14 weeks
- 3rd Distemper/Parvo with Lepto* vaccine
- Fecal test and/or Dewormer
- Return in 3 weeks for final vaccines
Fourth Visit: 15-17 weeks
- Final Distemper/Parvo with Lepto* vaccine
- Rabies vaccine
- Fecal test and/or Dewormer
- Schedule appointment for spay or neuter!
- Return in 1 year for annual exam, heartworm test, and vaccinations
* Lepto vaccine is recommended for all dogs except those under 8 pounds or dogs with a history of vaccine reactions.
- Spay or neuter your dog at around 6 months of age
- Switch to adult dog food at 6 months of age, and start measuring amounts twice daily
- Your puppy must get monthly flea and heartworm prevention every 30 days, all year round, for the lifetime of your pet. Even if your pet lives indoors!
- Booster vaccines (Rabies, Distemper/Parvo/Lepto, and bordetella) once a year
- Heartworm and Intestinal Parasite testing once a year.

First Visit: 6-8 weeks
- Wellness exam
- FeLV/FIV combo blood test
- 1st FVRCP vaccine
- Fecal test and/or Dewormer
- Start flea and heartworm prevention
- Return in 3 weeks for next vaccines
Second Visit: 9-11 weeks
- 2nd FVRCP vaccine
- 1st Feline Leukemia* vaccine
- Fecal test and/or Dewormer, if needed
- Return in 3 weeks for next vaccines
Third Visit: 12-14 weeks
- 3rd FVRCP vaccine
- 2nd Feline Leukemia* vaccine
- Fecal test and/or Dewormer, if needed
- Return in 3 weeks for final vaccines
Fourth Visit: 15-17 weeks
- Rabies vaccine
- Fecal test and/or Dewormer, if needed
- Schedule appointment for spay or neuter!
- Return in 1 year for annual exam and vaccinations
* Feline Leukemia vaccine is recommended for all cats, even if they live strictly indoors.
- Spay or neuter your kitten at around 6 months of age.
- Switch to adult cat food at 12 months of age, and start measuring amounts twice daily.
- Your kitten should be on a flea and heartworm preventative YEAR ROUND for the lifetime of your pet. (Even if your cat never goes outside!)
- Booster vaccines (Rabies, Feline Upper Respiratory and Leukemia) once a year.
- Intestinal Parasite testing once a year.