Low cost surgeries:
Mass Removal
Laceration Repair
Foreign Body Removal
Cryptorchid Neuter
Hernia Repair
Feline Declaw
Puppy Dewclaw/Tail Dock
Tail Amputation
Caesarian Section
Cherry Eye Repair
Spay / Neuter
ALL dogs and cats should be spayed (female) or neutered (male)! If you do not surgically alter your pet, YOU will be risking your pet’s health as well as contributing to the pet overpopulation problem in our country. Thousands of unwanted animals are euthanized every month in Nashville alone. Please be a responsible pet owner!
Why should I Spay or Neuter my Pet?
Pet population is at epidemic proportions!! Consider the FACTS: Over 3.7 million dogs, cats, puppies and kittens are euthanized at shelters across the United States every year simply because there are not enough homes for them. For every animal we euthanize, we destroy a precious life!
As a pet owner, YOU CAN HELP this problem cease to exist – or you can add to the problem. Spaying and neutering your pets will prevent unwanted litters.
“But,” you say, “my cat only had a litter or two. How much harm can that cause? Plus, I found good homes for all of them.”
Consider this FACT: if one female cat had 2 litters per year and had 2.8 kittens that were not spayed or neutered, then in 10 years that would result in 80,399,780 unplanned cats! How many good homes are there? Not nearly enough. Now multiply that 80 million by the number of unspayed females across the country. That’s too many for all the good homes out there.
There are also HEALTH BENEFITS to spaying and neutering your pet!!
- Spaying your female pet before she has her first heat reduces the risk of breast cancer and totally eliminates the risk of uterine or ovarian cancer. It also eliminates the risk of potentially life-threatening uterine infection called pyometra.
- Neutering your male pet reduces the risk for developing prostate cancer and totally eliminates the risk of testicular cancer.